Phoenix Fuels Stock Information

The latest information on our stock.

Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, Inc. is listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange under the symbol PNX.


As of

Last Trade Price : 4.19
Change : up 0.200
% Change : 5.01%
Value : 41,900.00
Volume : 10,000
Open : 4.19
High : 4.19
Low : 4.19
Average Price : 4.19
Previous Close (05/09/2024) : 3.99
P/E Ratio (Adjusted) :
52 week High : 7.90
52 week Low : 3.42
Issued Shares 1,442,216,332
Listed Shares 1,442,216,332
Outstanding Shares 1,442,216,332
Free Float Level 14.99%
Market Capitalization 5,754,443,164.68
ISIN PHY6892G1059
Issue Type Common
Listing Date Jul 11, 2007
Status Open
Board Lot 1,000
Par Value 1.00
Foreign Ownership Limit (%) 40%

Find more stock information at the Philippine Stock Exchange website.

Got questions?

For inquiries from analysts, the financial community, and institutional investors, contact Phoenix Petroleum Philippines, Inc. through:



Head office
Phoenix Bulk Depot,
Lanang, Davao City
Trunkline: (082) 235-8888
Fax: (082) 233-0168



Manila office
15th to 17th Floors, UDENNA Tower,
Rizal Drive cor. 4th Avenue,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig,
Metro Manila, Philippines
Trunkline: (02) 8403-4013
Fax: (02) 8403-4021

Or you may also send us an email at